Saturday, May 10, 2008

Talk About Dra-ma!

Well, not really. It just makes me mad that I'm in the cold library AGAIN, when I could be in my nice warm house using the internet. & The fact that our furniture isn't here doesn't make it any better. I'm stuck with sleeping on a hard, twin-sized, loaner-furniture bed for who knows how long. & On top of that, there is no water pressure upstairs, so I'm pretty much showering under a trickle of water. HAHA that made me laugh. Ohh well, at least I have a pretty view to look at everyday! & I know my furniture will get here one of these days. ANNND, I did get the rest of my clothes, & shoes...& purses. I just realized how many clothes...& shoes...& purses I have. My shoes ALONE came in their own box, & not one of those small boxes, one of the big ones. & My purses had their own box, & my clothes had their own I didn't realize how much I had until I was moved to Germany where there are wardrobes instead of closets. & I thought I was cramming for space then. That's why I plan ahead :] Of course I chose the downstairs room, which happens to be the only room with a walk in closet. HAHA! But seriously people, be thankful for your closets, even if they do seem small. Or maybe, like me, you just have too much stuff. I guess I always thought, going to the Rock Church especially, that I always had to have a different outfit for everyday of the month! But now I know, it's OKAY to wear the same skirt in the same week, or the same outfit to church next month...well idk about that last one, but you get what I'm saying ;)


1 comment:

James Wilder said...

Trickle of water in the shower - major pet peeve. The water should almost hurt you and the temperature should be so hot you leave red all over! haha.

Things will be fine. Great point about wardrobe thing. There's probably major cultural differences too. Spring cleaning time here, so lots of things getting donated, thrown out and some put on eBay.