Friday, November 28, 2008


Happy late Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for:
*My job
*That it STOPPED snowing! At least for now...
*The 5 lbs I didn't gain back after Thanksgiving dinner haha.

Anyways, I hope everyone had a great day!



Mary Frances said...

Oh man I hope I didn't gain any weight either!!! =)

James Wilder said...

Du Spreche Deutsch? Ich Bin SURPRISED! Guten Tag... Erntedankfest

Ashley said...

Haha wow James, Ich bin surprised that DU sprecken! Did you have some help from an online translator? ;)

James Wilder said...

Nope... 3 years of German in High School. I've forgotten about all of it. I needed help with Happy Thanksgiving though... Dankfest was all I could remember... forgot "Happy"

Hertzlichen zum Gubertstag? Is that still "Happy Birthday" See... no consistency!